Remote Sales Guide - Enreach Platform for Web3 Companies

Remote Sales Guide - Enreach Platform for Web3 Companies

Remote Sales Guide - Enreach Platform for Web3 Companies

Feb 1, 2024

Picture this: crisp linen suit, freshly trimmed beard, polished shoes: you're golfing with a potential client. This is in-person sales, the long-standing art of the deal forged through handshakes, and maybe even a questionable three-putt. 

Now, picture yourself in your home, at the office or in the corner café, keyboard at the ready, eyes glued to the screen. This is the reality of online sales, a bustling digital marketplace where deals are forged in emails, chat boxes, and video calls. And while the setting may be casual, the stakes are just as high as ever.

Build Rapport in Remote Sales

Forget water cooler chats, here's the rub: the disconnect between online and in-person sales isn't a death sentence, it's an opportunity. And at its core is connection. 
Don't ditch the suits, just tailor them for the web. Online doesn't mean sloppy. Polish your communication, craft compelling messaging, and invest in tools to personalize your outreach and track engagement.

Strategies for Connection

  • Ditch "how's the weather?": Find common ground, mention a relevant article, and personalize your video background. Make it real, make it fast.

  • Look good, sound good: Invest in decent lighting, audio, and a professional backdrop. First impressions matter, even online.

  • Be a trust machine: Deliver, be responsive, go the extra mile. Building trust is your remote sales superpower.

Master Outreach & Engagement 

  • Ditch the templates: Generic emails are dead, personalize everything - make them feel special. Use data points and tailor your approach to individual needs and pain points.

  • Emails are your digital handshake: Craft them with care, free of typos and grammatical errors. 

  • Subject lines matter: Intrigue your prospects with clear, concise statements that entice them to open. No clickbait allowed!

  • Captivate, don't drone: Ditch PowerPoint death scrolls. Use visuals, stories, and clear audio. Keep them hooked.

  • Don't just tell them, show them: Use real-world success stories to build trust and demonstrate your value. Numbers are important, but stories are sexy.

  • Let the deal unfold naturally: Avoid aggressive sales tactics and focus on providing value through every interaction.

Crucial Meeting Prep for Remote Sales Success

By now, you should have set the stage for sales success, this means having a clear agenda, defined goals, and all the necessary materials prepared to ensure a productive meeting. 

  • Know your prospect: Research, tailor your pitch and anticipate questions. Knowledge is power.

  • Reminders & punctuality: Be on time, send reminders, and respect their time. It's simple but essential.

  • Sell before you sell: Build trust, demonstrate value, and spark interest. When they're halfway sold, closing is easy.

Level up Your LinkedIn (No, Seriously)

People buy from people they like and trust, even if they're online avatars. Make sure your LinkedIn profile accurately reflects your expertise and accomplishments. You may be an industry leader – a rockstar, but no one's gonna invest in your offerings if your profile looks like you’re not even bothering. Do better!

  • Invest in a professional profile: A high-quality headshot, clear headline, and a compelling summary are essential. Take the time to optimize your profile and showcase your value. It could be the key to unlocking new opportunities.

  • Engage in relevant communities: Dive into online groups that matter. Drop knowledge bombs and share golden content, but also actively listen and learn from others.

  • Connections matter: Find the right decision-makers and avoid wasting time on gatekeepers. Respecting their time means getting to the right people faster. Time is money - always.

Be Present, Even When You’re Not

Online etiquette also means mastering the art of asynchronous communication. Time zones become battle lines and emails are your weapons. Learn to wield them strategically.

Follow up at the right pace, be innovative with human augmentation AI tools to personalize your outreach, and understand that sometimes a well-timed email can be more impactful than a rushed video call. Patience is your new power play.

Polish Your Tools, Not Just Your Pitch

Remote sales is about connection, not location. Leverage technology to master virtual communication and build trust.

  • Ditch the email ping-pong: Let prospects pick a meeting time that fits their schedule, building respect and efficiency. We’re all busy, y’know?

  • Follow-up: Automate those pesky follow-up emails while maintaining a personalized touch. Remember, people like feeling remembered, even if it's by a robot.

  • Schedule emails to send later: Ensure you hit prospects at the perfect time, even if you're catching some Zzz's. Sleep is important, but so is timing.

  • Leverage tech that delivers results: is a go-to SDR powerhouse that automates tasks, personalizes outreach and tracks engagement so you can focus on closing deals, not managing spreadsheets.

Ditch the Fluff, Close the Deal

Online sales is not a sprint, but rather a marathon. And the ones who are rewriting the sales playbook understand that in the digital realm, the way you show up online is the way you show up with deals closed and investors impressed.

Gone are the polished greens and three-putt camaraderie. Today's B2B playground is run with keyboards, not irons.

Drop your details below to chat more about generating clients in the remote sales world.