How to Do Cold Outreach on Telegram for Web3 B2B Sales: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Do Cold Outreach on Telegram for Web3 B2B Sales: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Do Cold Outreach on Telegram for Web3 B2B Sales: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sep 18, 2024

Cold outreach is a critical tool for Web3 businesses looking to connect with potential clients, partners, and investors. Platforms such as Telegram have become go-to communication hubs, allowing for direct and efficient contact with key decision-makers. In this guide, we’ll explore how to do cold outreach on Telegram for Web3 B2B sales effectively, avoiding the common pitfalls that can lead to account limitations or getting flagged as spam.

Why Use Telegram for Web3 Sales?

Telegram is a widely adopted communication platform in the Web3 world. Its secure, encrypted messaging, large user base, and support for decentralized communities make it ideal for interacting with blockchain, DeFi, and other Web3 projects. In fact, many Web3 companies rely on Telegram for their primary communication and networking.

But how do you break into a conversation with a cold message without being ignored or, worse, flagged as spam? Follow these tips to ensure your cold outreach is both effective and compliant with Telegram’s best practices.

Step 1: Always Use Telegram Premium

Why it matters: Telegram Premium unlocks additional features, such as enhanced profile visibility, higher message limits, and the ability to join more groups. These perks give you more opportunities to reach decision-makers without running into limitations.

How to use it: With Telegram Premium, you’ll have the flexibility to manage larger outreach campaigns without getting flagged for suspicious activity. It also boosts your presence in searches and groups, increasing the likelihood that potential clients will notice your profile.

Step 2: Research and Personalize Your Outreach

Why it matters: Cold messaging is only effective when it’s personalized. If your message looks generic or like a copy-paste job, recipients are more likely to ignore it or report it as spam.

How to do it:

  • Research: Before reaching out, understand who you’re targeting. Know their role in the company, their project’s key pain points, and recent updates.

  • Personalize: Reference something specific to their project or company in your message to show you’ve done your homework.

Step 3: Crafting the Perfect First Message

Why it matters: Your initial message can make or break the conversation. Short, clear, and engaging messages work best on Telegram.

How to do it:

  • Send short, varied messages: Keep your first message to just a few lines. Don’t copy and paste the same message to multiple people—Telegram’s algorithms will flag repetitive behavior and may limit your account.

  • Limit your daily outreach: Send no more than 5-10 cold messages per account per day to avoid hitting Telegram’s spam filters.

  • Avoid sending links in your first message: Telegram flags unsolicited links, and recipients are more likely to ignore or block you if your message contains a URL. Wait until after you’ve received a reply to share any links.

Step 4: Optimize Your Profile for Credibility

Why it matters: Before responding to a cold message, many recipients will check your Telegram profile to see if you’re legitimate. A poorly filled-out profile can cause potential clients to ignore you.

How to do it:

  • Create a strong bio: Include your full name, company name, website, and a link to your LinkedIn profile.

  • Add images: Include multiple professional photos that reflect your role in the Web3 space. This can help make you look more credible.

  • Share your story: If relevant, include a brief story about your company or background to personalize your profile further.

Step 5: Follow Up and Build Relationships

Why it matters: Not everyone will respond to your first message, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interested. A well-timed follow-up can reignite the conversation.

How to do it:

  • Follow up politely: If you don’t get a response within a few days, send a short, polite follow-up. Something like, “Just checking to see if you had a chance to look at my last message. Would love to chat!”

  • Be persistent, not annoying: Space out your follow-ups over several days or a week. Don’t flood their inbox with multiple messages.

Step 6: Offer Value Upfront

Why it matters: No one wants to be bombarded with a sales pitch in the first message. Instead, offering something of value—like a free trial or useful resource—can make recipients more inclined to respond.

How to do it:

  • Free offers: Include a free, no-strings-attached offer in your message. For example, “Would you like a free account to explore our Web3 contact database?” This adds value to the conversation and reduces the pressure of a hard sell.

Step 7: Track and Optimize Your Outreach

Why it matters: Tracking your messages and their outcomes helps you refine your approach and boost your success rate.

How to do it:

  • Use a CRM or spreadsheet: Document who you’ve contacted, when you sent the message, and any follow-ups or replies. This helps you stay organized and ensures you don’t accidentally message the same person multiple times without realizing it.

  • Optimize messaging: Pay attention to which messages get responses and refine your outreach strategy based on this data

  • Don’t over-message: Sending too many messages from one account per day can get your account flagged. Stick to the 5-10 messages per day rule.

  • Don’t send links in cold messages: Avoid adding URLs in your first outreach message. Wait until you’ve established some rapport before sharing any links to websites or resources.

  • Watch out for fake profiles: The Web3 space can be full of scams and fake accounts. Always vet the people and companies you’re interacting with before diving into deeper conversations or partnerships.

Final Thoughts

Cold outreach on Telegram is a highly effective strategy for Web3 B2B sales, but it requires a thoughtful, personalized approach. By following these best practices—such as using Telegram Premium, keeping messages concise, avoiding spammy behaviors, and offering real value—you can open the door to valuable conversations and partnerships in the Web3 space.